I have written 15 biographies of America's great industrialists- the amazing common denominator is they came from families with Whig Party backgrounds, believing in the economic manifest destiny of the United States.
The American System of the Whigs and of the writings of Henry Clay and later Abraham Lincoln was summarized best by Historian Edgar Jones and is far different than the platform of either of today’s parties. That summary is:
1. A high protective tariff [Federalist Paper No. 11 justification]
2. Internal Improvements [ Eire Canal, National Road, Railroads, Hoover Dam, Interstate highways]
3. A loyal adherence to the constitution of the United States
4. Ardent support of the union
5. Passionate patriotism and a belief in the lofty destiny of America [underlying principle]
Where are the Whigs today?
read my pantheon of biographies
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